if only more than a fleeting moment

string quartet | 8’ | 2023

written for JACK Quartet

Read by JACK Quartet on December 8, 2023
Arnhold Hall, The New School, NYC

if only more than a fleeting moment is a conflicted dialogue with the classical music canon in the form of a fixation on one musical fragment—a particularly poignant moment in the D major fugue from Book II of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, for which I’ve always had a soft spot for as a pianist. That quote appears first as a diegetic fragment, then intrudes the musical thoughts of the piece and gradually contorts in increasing frustration. The treatment of this Bach quote in the piece represents my conflicted relationship to the classical canon and the myth of the "genius composer", which sits with me no matter how hard I try to get away from it.

Much gratitude to JACK Quartet for organizing this New School student reading session, bringing my ideas to life and offering valuable feedback.


The World Inside


inner voice